The value of nutrient consistency in soybean meal for broilers
By Dr. Robert Swick, NSM poultry nutrition consultant Broiler chickens consume more soy than any other class of animal. Feed ingredients, including corn, soybean meal [...]
Across the Plains: Harvest 2023 nears finish line in Upper Midwest
This regular feature provides an update of crop growing conditions from several farmers, along with happenings across the farm to ensure overall quality of their [...]
Consumer perception impacts soybean farmers
By Dr. Robert Swick, NSM poultry nutrition consultant Every two years, the Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition Conference – Australia (RAAN) is held, and, recently, [...]
Across the Plains: Soy quality remains priority as harvest ramps up
This regular feature provides an update of crop growing conditions from several farmers, along with happenings across the farm to ensure overall quality of their [...]
Upper Midwest crush plants see advancements
The crush plant boom is happening. On Sept. 19, the Green Bison Soybean Processing plant in Spiritwood, N.D., received its first truckload of soybeans. A [...]
‘Personal business’: NSM Midwest crop tour gives buyers up close look at soy quality
When a group of Southeast Asian buyers stepped off the chartered bus and onto Patrick O’Leary’s farm in Danvers, Minnesota, the chair of Northern Soy [...]