• SE Asia Broiler Feed Quality Conference highlights ‘Moving Beyond Crude Protein’

    By L. Nernberg, Lighthouse Agri-Solutions Over the last months, Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) was actively involved as a Gold Sponsor of the Asian Agri-Biz Broiler Feed Quality [...]

  • Across the Plains: Rain, rain, go away

    This regular feature provides an update of crop growing conditions from several farmers, along with happenings across the farm to ensure overall quality of their [...]

  • NSM sponsors, attends USSEC Feed Technology and Animal Nutrition Conference

    Written by Poultry Nutrition Consultant Bob Swick. Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) Consultant Bob Swick participated in the U.S. Soybean Export Council’s (USSEC) Feed Technology and [...]

  • Cambodian trade team visits MN and ND to learn the value of US Soy

    Eight Cambodian feed millers made their way to the Northern Plains May 6 – 10  as part of a trade mission organized by the American [...]

  • Innovative formulation tool shows the value of northern US soybean meal in SE Asia animal feeds

    By L. Nernberg, Lighthouse Agri-Solutions and M. Clark, FeedGuys Resources   Over the past year, Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) has collaborated with two consulting animal nutritionists [...]

  • New survey results highlight nutritional quality of northern-grown soybeans

    For Hendra Tjang of Charoen Pokphand (CP) Indonesia, taking his business to U.S. soil is a no-brainer to make sure his feed is packed with [...]