• Changing the game: Aligning purchasing and nutrition with game theory

    By Lesley WJ Nernberg, Lighthouse Agri-Solutions and Matthew Clark, FeedGuys Resources  In the highly competitive animal feed industry, making informed decisions about ingredient sourcing is [...]

  • From bean to bird: Innovative tools highlight superior value of northern soybeans and soybean meal

    By Lesley WJ Nernberg, Lighthouse Agri-Solutions and Matthew Clark, FeedGuys Resources  Northern Soy Marketing (NSM) continues to lead the way in utilizing innovative methods to [...]

  • NSM-funded research to differentiate nutritional values of soybean meals

    South Dakota State University Project Report – Quarter 1 FY 2022 South Dakota State University (SDSU) researchers are conducting studies funded by Northern Soy Marketing [...]

  • What’s the deal with U.S. meal?

    By Robert Swick, NSM livestock feeding and nutrition consultant Soybean meal (SBM) is the most common protein source in broiler diets. However, due to processing, [...]

  • Net energy of U.S. soybean meal greater than previously estimated

    Reposted from NationalHogFarmer.com Research determines net energy provided by soybean meal should be updated in formulation software. Su A Lee, Diego Rodriguez, Hans Stein, University [...]

  • Ag Innovation Campus could fuel EAA message

    A first-of-its-kind crush facility under construction in northwest Minnesota could be shot in the arm for research of northern-grown soybeans and help spread the essential [...]